Int/Nat CH, AKC GCHB CH Aldozovolgyi-Drotos Nota Of Loroka "Tonya"
DOB: August 5, 2016
HUU Clear
Hips: Good
Elbows: Good
Thyroid: Normal
Eyes: Clear
Cardiac: Clear
Tonya won BOB at the Wirehaired Vizsla Club of America supported entry at Purina Farms in a large entry of 20 dogs. She has won two Best In Shows at the IABCA shows.
DOB: August 5, 2016
HUU Clear
Hips: Good
Elbows: Good
Thyroid: Normal
Eyes: Clear
Cardiac: Clear
Tonya won BOB at the Wirehaired Vizsla Club of America supported entry at Purina Farms in a large entry of 20 dogs. She has won two Best In Shows at the IABCA shows.